And what kind of game is it? The game allows you to play with 2 Sonics. Sonic Generations marks the 20th anniversary of the Blue blur, and with celebrations of our beloved gaming icon, a game also joins the club. the gameplay has twice the fun with both gameplay styles, the graphics are beautiful, and the soundtrack is the biggest one in years. Overall, Sonic Generations is a great game. each one is either too easy or too difficult, and shouldn't be bothered with, except for the times when it's required in order to progress. the side missions in the game add to the replay value, but are bland in the end. and it doesn't help that Sonic's friends are constantly babbling. you have no idea what is going on the whole time, and the controls constantly fight you here. the final boss, which I won't spoil, is the worst part of the game. I would have liked more of a variety of bosses in the game. the boss battles are short, both in length and numbers. This game falls flat in 2 areas, however: boss battles and missions.

both original and remixed tunes are catchy, and it becomes even better when you find out you can switch the song in a stage to one of the ones unlocked. The soundtrack, like most Sonic games, is awesome. along with that, each stage has good level design. each zone does their reincarnations very well with graphics. The graphics for the game are among the most beautiful I've ever seen in a game. the game takes the unleashed formula once again, and feels smoother thanks to the better frame rate. sure, the control isn't exactly like the genesis days, but still feels very fluent. classic stages keep all the physics and fun of the original genesis games. but the story means nothing with addicting gameplay like this. many things in the game are left unanswered, and feels like an excuse to get modern and classic sonic together. while I love this in a sonic game, I can't help but feel it's too simple.

when I played this game, I knew Sonic's reign of bad games had come to an end. but the story means nothing Sonic Colors was the game that brought me back to the series. Sonic Colors was the game that brought me back to the series.